What to Expect as a Volunteer
We are a happy bunch of people and all enjoy working in such a beautiful peaceful backdrop. We’re very flexible, you can choose to work set days and times as some of our volunteers do, that’s fine, or you can arrange to come over when you’re free. We have a WhatsApp account we use to book in volunteer sessions, our volunteers text us a few days before they want to come over to check if this timing works for everybody. All the tools are provided but you’re welcome to bring in your favourite tools, especially secateurs as there’s never enough – mainly because I lose them. We totally understand that we all have busy lives so volunteering can be sporadic at times.
Health and safety, please wear sensible footwear, clothing and gloves, our volunteers aren’t involved in working with dangerous machinery. You will also need to read the Health and Safety policy and complete a short form detailing contact information and any health issues we need to be aware of.
Perks for volunteering include free coffee or tea in Old Dairy Cafe (open Wednesday to Friday). Staff discount for lunches in Old Dairy Cafe and if you are volunteering for 4 hours in one day, free cake in Old Dairy. We produce many of our own plants so volunteers get first dibs when plants are spare!
Look what one of our lovely volunteers has to say –
“Since starting as a volunteer at the Gardens, as a novice gardener I have learnt so much from Paul, Kate and Julia, who are more than happy to part with their knowledge. Volunteering is a proper work out for the Mind, Body and Soul, who needs a gym. It’s a real pleasure to work with a team at the gardens and rewarding to see the fruits of our labour through the seasons; the comments from the visitors makes my day.”